Operational research and mapping are required to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, or reach of available tools, in order to improve health programs and health outcomes.

Therefore the LRI will support research:

  1. On the use of spatial statistical tools for the efficient detection of local “hot spots” of leprosy;
  2. Studies that determine the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and performance of different case-finding methods in various settings and levels of endemicity. This will include health systems approaches to promote community awareness, appropriate health-seeking behaviour of patients and access to services; and approaches to strengthen workforce capacity;
  3. On developing, evaluating and strengthening electronic data collection, monitoring and surveillance tools and health information systems;
  4. On the development of improved detection methods and clinical sampling procedures to monitor frequency of drug resistance.


Relevant publications

Below are the most recent publications on operational research. To see more, please visit Infolep

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